Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums
Are you new to dental implants? You must be excited to beautify your smile and enhance your personality with these implants. But every good thing comes at a cost. There are multiple precautions and steps for hygiene to maintain this smile. These steps are essential for your dental health. And this begins as soon as you get the implants.
But what are those care tips, and how do you maintain implants? In this blog, you will learn about tips for dental implant care and understand better how to keep them safe.
Use a Soft Bristled Brush
Most of us usually do not care about the type of toothbrush we use. However, after a dental implant, it is necessary to use a softer brush to ensure you don’t damage the implant. A nylon toothbrush will help clean teeth without damage or scratches to implants with its bristles. One must also ensure that no metal instruments are used to clean hard-to-reach areas.
Flossing Is Must
Just like brushing, flossing is also vital for hygiene. There are many types of floss specially designed for dental implants. With flossing, you can do effective interdental cleaning and prevent any oral issues. To remind yourself of flossing, you can set a daily alarm, always keep floss handy, and reward yourself after flossing. Always remember small steps can lead your way to success.
Avoid Harsh Products
Your teeth become much more sensitive to products you use after dental implants. Ensure that the mouthwash or toothpaste you use is sensitive enough for dental implants. The use of abrasive or harsh products can cause pain or discomfort. You can use mouthwash alternatives such as mint or cinnamon to ease your situation.
Avoid Sticky, Chewy or Stiff Food
Foods like ice, caramel, hard candies, or other stiff products harm your dental health. Dental implants can stay healthy for extended periods if you avoid food choices that are sticky, too chewy, or hard to bite.
Avoid Smoking
The smoke you inhale while smoking not only damages your lungs but will impact your newly fixed dental implants. It takes about six months to heal after dental implants are fixed. One must avoid smoking at least till then to ensure dental implants are healed well.
Avoid Alcohol
Avoiding alcohol is also essential during the six-month recovery process of dental implants. Alcohol slows down healing and hence must be avoided after dental implants.
Visit Dentist Every 6 Months
A dental implant can improve your smile. A dentist should be seen at least twice a year, depending on your overall oral health. Your dental implants can last a lifetime if you take proper care of them and visit your dentist regularly.
Some Additions Steps To Follow
As a follow-up to your procedure, here are some things you need to do:
Final Thoughts
One can ensure a long life for dental implants by following the above-discussed tips and precaution measures. With the proper guidance, dental implant care becomes relatively straightforward.
You must include a healthier diet and follow good dental hygiene during the first six months to ensure absolute healing. Visit your dentist whenever you face any dental issue to prevent dental implant damage.